Robinson Family Heartbeat

Robinson Family Heartbeat 2018

2017 News -
We've down sized! We have moved into a smaller and 
more economical house in Los Angeles, a small town up 
the mountain from San Rafael. The town center includes 
a Catholic church, a community center, an elementary school, 
a large soccer field, a playground and a basketball court. 
There is a lot of daily activity and people are always out 
and about in this area. There is a lot of opportunity to make 
connections and build relationships.

Nathan has completed one semester with the homeschool 
co-op and he will be attending a Costa Rican Spanish school 
next year to finish his high school education.  Please pray for 
his Spanish to dramatically improve so he can share the Gospel 
with his friends and understand his classes.

Bill has been helping young adults who are taking conversational 
English. One of the assignments was to do a video interview with 
a native English speaker, asking questions about their life. One of 
the students asked Bill why he moved to Costa Rica and it opened 
the door for him to share our testimony of God's miraculous provision 
in bringing us here. Please pray for this student as he is very interested 
in learning more about our walk with the Lord.  Many people here are 
studying English in order to achieve a higher level of education to be 
able get better jobs. We are able to help these young adults with their 
English studies while reaching out to them, building relationships and 
witnessing to them.

Chrys has started teaching horseback riding lessons to children at the 
Rancho San Rafael. It is a Horse stable that also has numerous other 
animals including peacocks, turkeys, deer, goats, sheep, cows and 
German Shepherd puppies for the purpose of education and providing 
new experiences for kids and families in this area.

We are partnering with Oro Verde Foundation, a non-profit green 
organization to educate communities about conservation projects 
including water purification, river and beach cleanup, recycling, 
composting, and conserving natural resources.  Costa Rica is 
leading the world in this area with a goal to become Carbon 
Neutral by the year 2020. 

Bill says, "I never would have imagined being able to stand before
Costa Rican governmental leaders but in the past 2 months I have
met with mayors, assistant mayors, boards of directors, health
directors, community leaders and CEOs of large corporations to
discuss our responsibility as God's children to protect and care
for His creation.  God is truly awesome!"

New things coming in 2018 -
We have started conversations with a few ministries in the San Jose
area and we are praying for guidance, seeking the Lord and discussing
with them how we can get involved.

We have an opportunity starting this February to teach English
Conversation classes partnering with a Costa Rican public school
through an innovational program promoted by the United States
called TeacHer using the STEAM model to promote the Sciences,
Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics to the young
female population of high school students in Costa Rica. This
means we will have opportunities to build relationships with
and witness to many young people as we help them learn to
speak English.

Because of our partnership with Oro Verde, we are able to file
temporary residency paperwork in early March.  Please pray all
goes smoothly.

Prayer needs -
  • We need to legalize our car (this will cost about $5500) or sell it and purchase one that is already nationalized and registered
  • To continue to improve our Spanish language skills, to be able to communicate fluently
  • For the Oro Verde projects to continue to progress and make a difference in the lives of the families in the various Costa Rican communities.
  • Monthly Financial support needed - $2000 monthly
  • To continue to Minister in love to reach out to many people- pray for continued clarity and guidance in aligning ourselves with the ministries that the Lord has brought into our lives to partner with.
We need your help; will you please consider partnering with us by giving a one-time or recurring monthly donation?

You will find us listed on the field workers page of You can give safely online through DonorGive at
Or, if you would like to mail a check, please make it payable to Modern Day and mail it to:
Modern Day
P.O. Box 535578
Grand Prairie, TX 75053-5578
Please include a note indicating it is for the Robinsons.