Do you know what your calling is?

Having a purpose and calling in God is what it is all about! 

That is what we are striving to live out.

Having a purpose in God is one thing. Everyone has a purpose in God. And it often changes according to time and situations. But your calling does not change. 

Whatever your calling is is what you function in no matter what time or situation you are in. 

I think most people don't know their calling in God, they believe they have a purpose, and that is enough for them. 

Not me. As a matter of fact, my calling is to speak forth and release God's purpose and calling over people lives. 

This I can do, no matter where I am or what situation I am in.

Costa Rica trip March 2011

Another Costa Rica Conference! We were invited to be a part of a prayer team and minister in Costa Rica at the end of March at our church "Casa de Alabanza" in Heredia, Costa Rica.

We had and amazing time ministering! The prayer time was so special after each service, and built up to a great move of the Holy Spirit during the last ministry time after the Sunday morning service. The Holy Spirit is so sweet!